The following individuals will be traveling to Indianapolis to compete in the 500 Festival Half Marathon on May 5. These runners have trained throughout the winter and early spring, dedicating themselves to become fit for the race. A group picture at the event will follow.
Tim Montgomery
Bill Browne
Linda Browne
Kathy Smart
Julie Bess
John Bartlett
Andy Dorrell
Dana Neer
Jen Cerny
Larry Bess
Joan Bess
JuLee Anderson
If I have missed someone, please email Dana Neer.
Why I Run: Sarah Humphrey
My senior year of college, a teammate and I decided that we should train for a marathon once we graduated so we would still have a goal for which to run. Once we completed that first one, we were sore and tired but decided to do it again. While we finished in a decent time, I had no idea that by my 3rd marathon I would be able to qualify for the Boston Marathon, which I miraculously managed to do somehow. Now, the Boston is in about a week and though I have trained, put the mileage in and have run 3 other marathons I am still nervous. This is the big marathon; the one that I have read and heard stories about but I never thought I would make it to this race. But no matter what happens during this race or what time I run it in, I will always feel great that I somehow made it to Boston and ran this historic course.
Why I Run: Ashley Paulson
I will be running my first half-marathon April 28th in Nashville with a bunch of seasonal runners and I couldn’t be more excited! I set a goal for myself this year to transition from a hockey player who is built to go for 30 seconds and get hit A LOT into a lean mean running machine! My training has been a challenge for me since at the beginning of the year I could only run 10 minutes and get bored or tired to now being able to run 1 hour with no problem and enjoying it! I have to credit my success to the running group and Dana Neer here at Culver. Without all the support from that group I might still be running 10 minutes and calling it a quits! I’m looking forward to seeing my race time at the finish line and being able to say I completed a half-marathon and didn’t die!