Thursday, August 22, 2013


Here’s to a good year for each of us at Culver!


Our wellness/fitness theme this year is SELF-PROPEL.  The fitness center, pool, gyms, courts, weight room, campus grounds and dining hall are wonderful amenities that each of can enjoy and benefit from using.  Living a self- propelled lifestyle by working out and walking/biking as much as we can to and from campus will bring rich rewards to our lives.


We will once again provide a “movement program” for you entitled Self-Propel.  Within the program are many cardiovascular options to choose from.  Here is what you need to know if you sign up:

1.       Choose a destination or number of miles you want to move from September 1-May 1.  Many attach a city in the US with their miles so they feel a kinship with their miles (I am choosing Eugene, Oregon 1940 miles because I love this city).  You do not have to be a runner, walker or biker to join. We have conversion charts if you play racquet or ball sports and other activities.

2.       Email me and Johnnes Tulungen your goal, and we will create a graph, charting your progress all year.

3.       Sign up with a friend or ask others in your department to join you.

4.       Email your miles to Johnnes each weekend and we will chart your accomplishments.

5.       Working out is reward enough, but as an incentive, if you meet your goal at the end of the year, you will receive one of the following “good job to you awards”-  $25.00 restaurant gift certificate and 1 hour massage or 18-hole golf certificate at Mystic Hills.

Attached is the September class schedule and descriptions.


Welcome Back,

Dana Neer