Saturday, June 16, 2012

Triathlon Training

The Fitness Center is pleased to announce that we will contract a certified triathlon instructor to lead us each week in training as we prepare for the Lake Max Triathlon.  We will meet every Wednesday from 12:15-1:15 in the lobby of the fitness center for instruction and aerobic fitness.  We will address each element- swim, bike, run and transition.  This will be a great time of group interaction and mental preparation as well. 

Please note that this class is offered to everyone, even if you do not plan on participating in the triathlon.  Please contact Jen Cerny or Dana Neer to sign up.

Thank you,

Dana Neer

Bike Trip: June 27

Join us for a wonderful morning of biking on the Nickel Plate Trail.  

Your Wellness Staff has organized a biking trip on Wednesday morning, June 27 for you and your family.  

We will provide lunch, drinks and transportation- all you need to do is sign up by emailing Janet Johnson at

We will meet at the Fitness Center on June 27 at 7:30 am to load bikes and depart at 8:00 am.  Arrival at the trail will be approximately 8:40 and return to campus at 12:15.

Whatever your desire, we will facilitate a memorable biking experience:
·         If you want to press the pace for 30 plus miles, please sign up.
·         If your family would like to leisurely bike while stopping along the way to play or picnic, this trip is for you.
·         If your idea of a perfect morning is biking 5-10 miles out and back, followed by a piece of pie and a cup of coffee at a local diner on the trail, consider joining us.
The Nickel Plate Railroad was chartered is 1846 and served passengers until 1932.  The old railroad bed was paved in 2004 and functions as a beautiful tree lined path for bikers of all ages.

We hope to see you there!

Thank you,
Dana Neer

List of participants who reached their goals!

Below, in no particular order, are participants who reached their goals in Culver's Miles for Fun and Fitness program. Congratulations!
You can come and get your prize from Dana's office in Fitness Center. Thanks for all of the support, motivation and enthusiasm.

No          Name
1             Cory Barnes
2             Dana Bennett
3             Dana Neer
4             Diann Parsons
5             John Oberwetter
6             Johnnes Tulungen
7             Julee Anderson
8             Kathy Smart
9             Kelly Norton
10           Kristi Nelson
11           Richard Coven
12           Stephanie Hall
13           Susan Freymiller
14           Vilma Van Horn
15           John D. Uebler
16           Emily Uebler
17           Andrew Dorrel
18           Steve Coleman
19           Terry Coleman
20           Linda Miller
21           Debrah Fox
22           Shelly Harrison
23           Maureen LaFaive

Smoothie Recipe

By Diann Parsons

I wanted to share a recipe for everyone to try.  It’s a good way to get some extra fruit in your diet and feel like you are treating yourself!

1 4 oz container of strawberry nonfat yogurt
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen cherries
2 cups orange juice
1 cup fruit punch Gatorade

Puree all ingredients in blender until smooth. 

Nutritional info:
Fat:  0.7 g
Carbohydrates:  32.4g
Calories:  138.4
Protein:  2.5g

I sometimes add a handful of raw spinach leaves – you can’t taste them but they add some extra nutritional value.  When I have leftovers, I freeze it in individual serving size containers and have it for an evening treat.

Diann R. Parsons, C.P.M.