Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Training for Half Marathon

By: Flannery Posner 

Four years ago, I decided to train for a half marathon simply to see if I could do it.  Prior to the training, I could not run more than a mile at a time. I learned a lot about myself by training for the half.  I learned that I had been trying to run too fast which is why I couldn't run very far, and I also learned that I was tougher than I had ever given myself credit for.  That training period fostered my love of running.  After having my son in 2011, I had to basically start my cardiovascular training from square one, but I found that my toughness had stayed with me. I started slowly by walking every day with Mikey.  Once Mikey was old enough, I put him in the jogging stroller to go for short jogs. When I finally got my stride back, I felt that same need for a challenge that I had four years ago, and decided to train for a half marathon again.  I have to get up early everyday to train, but I find that I'm a better mom and person when I've made some time each day to do something good for myself.  I want to set a good example for Mikey for a healthy life, and I want to take good care of myself so I can always keep up with him! When I (hopefully) cross that finish line on November 3rd, all of the early mornings and long, tough runs will be worth it!

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