Friday, February 1, 2013

Shed It 2013

Dear Culver Employees,

Winter has dug her trenches; however, spring will arrive in Culver in less than 7 weeks!  Would you like to shed a few unwanted pounds?  Join us for “Shed It 2013”.  From February 18-April 15, we will weigh in every 2 weeks.  Here are the 4 rules:

  1.  Organize a team of 2 people and come up with a clever team name by February 8. 
  2.  Pay a $20.00 fee per team, which will be prorated and awarded to the top 3 teams who lose the most weight by percentage by April 15.
  3. Weigh in with Angela Benn and Amy Heinlein every 2 weeks in the Fitness Center from 4:15-5:30 pm on the designated day.
  4. Email Dana Neer, Angela or Amy to sign up.  We will contact you with final details.

Dana Neer

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