Monday, December 19, 2011

Please Share your Stories and Pictures.

Dear Miles of Fun and Fitness Team,

I have created this blog for us. Through this blog we will update the program and, we hope, you will also help and encourage each other to achieve your goals. Please let me know what you think about this blog and if you like it, you could also use this blog to share your stories, your experiences, and your journey in achieving your own goal. You can also send me your pictures of activities and  places you visited and people you travelled with or met along the journey. As for me I will smash, spin and kick my way up to Rhode Island (900 miles) this year to visit my colleagues there at the University of Rhode Island. It is probably an unrealistic goal but I will try to one week at a time up my miles. This week I have completed 25 miles and this holiday break it is going to be a challenge because my family and I, will be travelling and visiting friends and family in the East Coast.

Smashing in Badminton

Spinning on Table Tennis

Kicking in Futsal

Have a wonderful and fit holiday.

See you after break,

Letter from Jerry Kisela

December 2011

I’ve been smoke free for nearly five weeks. I started my exercise program as a “new” habit for me. I am not an athlete.  I had no real intentions on setting goals, but quickly found myself bored with “just walking”. I set out to start with a slow jog. Two weeks ago I jogged for the first time with a friend and managed to push myself to jog non-stop for one mile. This gave me confidence and I set out to run non-stop for one and a quarter miles without stopping. Each day I worked out I would try and try to reach this goal, but found it difficult to go above three-quarter of a mile and would stop running. I continued to (condition) myself. As the end of this week came to a close I challenged myself each day and finally on Thursday managed to run one mile without stopping. In order to prove to myself I’ve reached this goal; I needed to do it again today (Friday). As I began on my journey to reach the one mile mark, I found it easier to keep a pace I was comfortable with.  I reached the mile mark and said it’s time to push myself and see if I can make just one more quarter of a mile. I did! Now, it’s time challenge myself to maintain a mile and one quarter, the next goal is a mile and a half. I set my goal high for the “Miles of Fun” program, but I now have a different attitude about setting goals with fitness. This week I have managed to reach a total of 16 miles. That is 16 miles greater than I ever imagined me travelling by foot. The fitness center is a fabulous resource to me and others. Without this center I don’t believe I would be where I am now, I know I have a long way to go, but I feel confident with the staff and the resource of the fitness center that reaching this goal will become a reality! Thank you for providing such an awesome atmosphere for fitness. I feel comfortable and supported in my adventure every time I visit this center. 

Jerry Kisela
Transportation-Fleet Supervisor

Miles Activity Conversion

Activity Conversion

8 Minutes of the following activities is equal to 1 Mile
  • Fast Running
  • Bicycling
  • Circuit Training
  • Handball
  • Hockey
  • Jump Rope - vigorous
  • Stair-master
  • Stationary Bike – vigorous
  • Swimming - vigorous
  • Badminton/Table Tennis - vigorous

10 Minutes of the following activities is equal to 1 Mile
  • Running
  • Aerobic Fitness Class
  • Ice Skating
  • Racquetball/Tennis
  • Rowing
  • Elliptical Machine
  • Soccer/Futsal
  • Stationary Bike – Moderate
  • Swimming – Moderate
  •  Badminton/Table Tennis - Moderate

15 Minutes of the following activities is equal to 1 Mile
  • Power Walking
  • Jogging
  • Golf
  • Volleyball
  • Water Aerobics
  • Weight

Culver Academies Miles of Fun and Fitness

Here’s how it works: if you desire to increase your fitness level, lose a few unwanted pounds and enjoy fellowship with friends and coworkers, this unique program is for you.

Choose to participate by deciding how many miles you would like to accomplish between December 12 and June 1. Your miles can be accumulated by performing any cardiovascular fitness activity. Obviously running and walking are easy to track, but I have also included a conversion chart listing all groups of activity that can be transferred from minutes to miles.
A very large map of the United States will be displayed on a wall in the fitness center. Starting at Culver, you decide how far you want to “travel” by June 1. For example, if you want to accomplish 400 miles by June 1, and make your destination Des Moines, Iowa, you will systematically need to work out 14 miles a week, or roughly 2 miles per day to meet your goal. You will begin your trek west with friends and supporters from Culver cheering as you go. Your goal is paramount‐ if your reasonable goal is all the way to the Pacific Ocean or as close as Knox, Indiana, you control your destiny. You make it, you win!
The fitness center staff will be more than happy to help you set your goal. If you already train on a regular basis, just keep doing what you are doing, or maybe add a little. This event is designed for all people‐ from novice to pro.

Communicate your interest to participate at the fitness center front desk or email Dana Neer ( or JohnnesTulungen ( We will list your goal/destination and toe you up on the starting line in Culver, poised to start your journey in whatever direction (city) you chose.
Each Friday, communicate to the fitness center staff how many miles you moved over the course of the week and we will record it in your database. Along the way, if you decide to increase or decrease your goal because you were either overly zealous or woefully short‐sighted, we will help you adjust and redirect.
You do not need a pedometer to keep record of your miles, but if you choose to purchase one, here is a good link: Typically, you will pay between $10.00‐$25.00. If you accomplish your goals, you will enjoy a fun group reward at the end of the program.

Please join us! Email or stop in at the fitness center to get involved in a more active lifestyle.

Your friends @ Miles of Fun and Fitness.