Monday, December 19, 2011

Letter from Jerry Kisela

December 2011

I’ve been smoke free for nearly five weeks. I started my exercise program as a “new” habit for me. I am not an athlete.  I had no real intentions on setting goals, but quickly found myself bored with “just walking”. I set out to start with a slow jog. Two weeks ago I jogged for the first time with a friend and managed to push myself to jog non-stop for one mile. This gave me confidence and I set out to run non-stop for one and a quarter miles without stopping. Each day I worked out I would try and try to reach this goal, but found it difficult to go above three-quarter of a mile and would stop running. I continued to (condition) myself. As the end of this week came to a close I challenged myself each day and finally on Thursday managed to run one mile without stopping. In order to prove to myself I’ve reached this goal; I needed to do it again today (Friday). As I began on my journey to reach the one mile mark, I found it easier to keep a pace I was comfortable with.  I reached the mile mark and said it’s time to push myself and see if I can make just one more quarter of a mile. I did! Now, it’s time challenge myself to maintain a mile and one quarter, the next goal is a mile and a half. I set my goal high for the “Miles of Fun” program, but I now have a different attitude about setting goals with fitness. This week I have managed to reach a total of 16 miles. That is 16 miles greater than I ever imagined me travelling by foot. The fitness center is a fabulous resource to me and others. Without this center I don’t believe I would be where I am now, I know I have a long way to go, but I feel confident with the staff and the resource of the fitness center that reaching this goal will become a reality! Thank you for providing such an awesome atmosphere for fitness. I feel comfortable and supported in my adventure every time I visit this center. 

Jerry Kisela
Transportation-Fleet Supervisor

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