Thursday, February 9, 2012

Benefit of Walking

By: Dana Neer

            We are a society of travelers. Constantly on the move, we have more than likely come to overlook the benefits of our primal form of transportation. Even if you don’t keep a record of the distance you walk during the day, I’m sure you would be pleasantly surprised at the amount this added exercise can supplement your daily activity. Walking is accessible to everyone and limitless in its improvement upon our health. Similar to other aerobic exercises, walking can lower blood pressure, trim your waistline, and improve your mood. However, because walking is a lower impact form of exercise, less stress is placed upon your bones - which could better suit individuals with prior joint and muscular damage.

             Last week, one of my friends informed me that she had purchased a simple pedometer to keep track of the miles she walked each day. It was a very encouraging tool to invest in because she was greatly encouraged by the numbers that rolled in. Going to the mailbox, cutting her lunch back a bit replacing it with a fifteen minute jaunt, and strolling downtown to” window shop” started piling up the miles at such an alarming rate that she would lie awake at night pondering new ways to accumulate distance!  While not advocating sleepless nights, lying awake excited with the prospects of grand ideas pressing in her mind is far better than tossing throughout the night from lower back pain due to inactivity and boredom. 

             By forming a group or hiking off alone, take advantage of the many parks our community has to offer. At a minimum, you could burn up to1000 calories by semi-vigorously walking 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. The key to reaping the total benefits walking has to offer is keeping track of your heart rate. Purchasing an expensive monitor is non-essential.  Check your pulse every five minutes throughout the duration of your walk to ensure you heart rate is between 120 to 160 beats per minute. In other words, a leisurely stroll through the park has many benefits, but cardiovascular exercise would not be one of them.
            By participating in one of the easiest, safest, calorie crunching activities a person can join, you could trim down to that ever desired dress or pant size. Simply supplementing your daily routine with a brisk walk for two and a half hours a week can reduce your risk of developing diabetes by nearly 60 percent. Furthermore, walking is an activity in which the whole family can partake. Enjoying summer evenings while receiving fresh air with your kids never made you look or feel more alive. Give yourself and your children the opportunity to appreciate the outdoor together.  Many of the most precious memories living vividly within my mind come from the walks I have pounded out with my family while taking advantage of the “teachable moments” of life!

            Maybe you’re among the many in our community that needs the extra motivation of a club group to walk. Challenge your co-workers, friends, and family members to join you in a daily walking regiment. Maybe you’ve already tried that and are still searching for a walking partner or two.  If so, feel free to email me at and I would be happy to introduce you to a few of the walking clubs in our area that would fit your schedule and needs. 

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