Friday, September 21, 2012

Men's Fitness

By Dana Neeer

Men’s fitness after the age of thirty represents a stiff challenge.  Lean muscle tissue is lost if exercise is not performed on a regular basis, and to make matters worse, a man’s metabolism changes dramatically causing unwanted weight around the hips, waist and legs at alarming rates.   This extra fat often triggers an onset of diabetes and heart disease.  However, there is plenty of hope!  Focusing on the right amount of exercise, flexibility and food can provide a noticeable change within four to six months. 
Exercise... Once you reach thirty, your metabolism begins to slow down at a rate of 4% every ten years.  Even though weight lifting can be a tremendous form of movement, it is not classified as an aerobic exercise.   Yes, you are breathing while lifting, and even though the heart rate does elevate, it does not rise to the levels needed for your body to stay lean and fit.  Performing exercises that recruit several muscle groups at the same time forces the body to release more human growth hormone.  Speed walking, jogging, biking and running, plus using your own body weight with push-ups and pull-ups causes the body to adapt to a longer, leaner and stronger endurance look.  Determining to do a certain number of push-ups and pull-ups each day can create the effects needed to attain your goal.  If you weight lift, include higher repetitions at lower weight.  Raising and maintaining your heart rate for at least 30 minutes a day, six times a week will provide the results you need to get closer to the formidable shape you once enjoyed. 
Flexibility… The elasticity of tendons, ligaments and joint capsules is key to athletic and fitness success.  Forgetting to stretch weakens muscles causing them to tire much faster.  If you lack flexibility, muscles will not work through to their complete range of motion and will deny you the benefits you are seeking.  Tendons and ligaments are not lubricated by downing sports drinks, water or juices, but instead through cellular secretions that occur whenever you stretch.  For best results stretch after you have warmed up and muscles are primed for activity.  By stretching each day, stiffness and atrophy are reduced, leading to a healthier more active lifestyle. 
Food… Eating six or seven smaller meals a day instead of three or four larger meals can prevent your body from releasing large amounts of insulin.  Excessive insulin not only forces your body to store fat, it also blocks the flow of growth hormones that are released through your blood stream.  Eat lots of foods such as raw fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and low sugar products.  These foods score low on the glycemic index and will prevent the storing of fat within the cells.  Soon after working out eat foods high in protein and carbohydrates.  Your cells will be replenished with the nutrients they crave.  Smoothies are superb.  By adding many types of fruits in the blender, you can receive 200 to 300 calories of cell-loving food per glass that will provide energy for a sustained day of work and exercise. 
Enjoying support from other men with similar goals is important.  There are several fine fitness clubs and gyms in our area that may provide encouragement and sustainability.  I encourage you to contact one of them and see what kind of good results the next four to six months will bring. 
God bless you. 

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