Monday, September 3, 2012

Teaming up to Move Forward

We will begin our new year of training together on September 10 with our program called “Teaming up to Move Forward”.   This will be a yearlong adventure, focusing on daily consistency with fitness focus.  If you are interested in participating, please contact me and we will sign you up.  Please keep in mind the following:

1.       Determine the number of miles you would like to move during the course of the school year, culminating on June 5.  Be aggressive, yet sensible when determining that number.  Then, associate that with an actual place in the United States (town, national park, favorite street, etc.) For example, if I would like to move 900 miles this year, I could pick Bear Creek, Montana as my place of destination. 
2.       Refer to our activity conversion chart that will specify how to turn activity into miles (15 minutes of handball equals 1 mile, etc.) and then calculate your weekly total and submit to Johnnes Tulungen and I.  We will track your mileage throughput the year on a chart in the fitness center.  If you walk or run, obviously a mile is a mile.
3.       We will award the end of the year goal achievers with a choice of 3 things:  a.) 1 hour massage and dinner out.  b.) Production at the Honeywell Center in Wabash, or c.) Paid entry to a “Tough Mudder Race” and dinner out.
4.       Your workouts can be done independently, in group sessions as you join friends and colleagues or in fitness center classes.

Please join us.  If you already have a workout plan in place, this is for you.  If you need a positive group setting to motivate you, this is for you.  Email me today to get started.

Dana Neer
Wellness Director

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