Friday, September 7, 2012

Ready..... Set......Go......

Dear Teaming Up to Move Forward,

Wow!  We start Monday, September 10!  Our group is 80 members strong, with the largest contingency coming from the Dining Hall staff.  Your goals are impressive and destinations an interesting attachment to your lives.  Many of you are “traveling” to your home town or place of special interest, perhaps a vacation spot.  You will find Doug Haberland’s personal testimony and place of journey particularly interesting.  Enjoy Doug’s story and consider sharing your own in the weeks to come.

Please refer to our wellness website often for updates and tips.  Check the conversion chart if you choose to participate in any other activities that will add miles to your totals.

Please remember to total your miles each week and email to Johnnes and I by Sunday.  We will then add the mileage to your personal chart in the fitness center for you to visualize each time you stop by.  Best wishes for our 36 week adventure.  If we can be of any help to you, please let us know.  Below are a few tips as we get started:

  1. Be proud and confident of your decision to participate in this program.  Do not let doubt hold you back.
  2. Determine to stick with your plan each week.  Plan when you will work out each day (when, where, how much) and make yourself do it.   The first 3 weeks and the winter months are the most difficult.  Write it down and commit.
  3. Enjoy working out with friends and family.  We are doing this together- for personal and community wellness.  Let’s encourage each other.
  4. Take advantage of our fitness center classes- an amenity unique to our setting!
  5. Have fun. Physiologically our bodies are meant to move.  It may feel unnatural at times, but it is really one of the most natural things we can do. 
  6. If you need assistance with a fitness plan, please contact me and we will schedule a meeting.  We want you to be successful!.

Thank you!

Dana Neer

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